Management of a company
- How do I know if my enterprise in Estonia is required to submit data to Statistics Estonia?
- What are the limitations for paying the share capital in Estonian companies established before Feb 1st, 2023?
- What types of notarial acts can be performed through remote authentication?
- How does the remote authentication process work?
- Can entrepreneurs reserve a business name for their company in Estonia?
- How is the main field of activity confirmed annually for my Estonian company?
- What are some special configurations of liability for a member of the management board in a private limited company?
- Where can clients use remote authentication in Estonia?
- How does the management structure differ between a private limited company (OÜ) and a public limited company (AS) in Estonia?
- What is the requirement for registering employees after establishing a private limited company in Estonia?
- What is the role of the management board in an Estonian OÜ?
- What is the default management structure for an OÜ in Estonia?
- What is the process and cost of applying for a business name reservation in Estonia?
- Can a newly established company in Estonia register for VAT and employees during the company formation process?
- How can I submit data to Statistics Estonia?
- Is remote authentication mandatory for notarial acts in Estonia?
- What standards must a member of the management board meet when fulfilling their obligations in a company?
- What is the liability of a member of the management board in a company?
- Who is required to register employees in the employment register in Estonia?
- What is the purpose of the employment register in Estonia?