Accounting requirements
- How do the Estonian GAAP standards compare with International Financial Accounting Standards (IFRS)?
- What types of information about obligations and liabilities need to be included in the annual report?
- What criteria define a small undertaking in Estonia?
- What are the criteria for a company to be classified as a micro undertaking in Estonia?
- What is the annual report, and why is it necessary for companies in Estonia?
- How is cryptocurrency mining treated for tax purposes in Estonia?
- What happens if a legal person fails to submit their annual report to the Estonian commercial register?
- What is the financial year duration for companies in Estonia, and can it differ from the calendar year?
- What are the basic components of annual accounts in Estonia?
- Are all Estonian companies required to submit an annual report?
- What is the opening balance sheet, and why is it important?
- How are enterprises selected for surveys by Statistics Estonia?
- What are the stages involved in preparing an annual report in Estonia?
- What is the purpose of accounting policies and procedures in Estonian companies?
- What are the main components of an annual report?
- What is the process for submitting data to Statistics Estonia for companies in Estonia?
- Is the submission of an annual report mandatory for all undertakings operating in Estonia?
- What are the different categories of companies based on the Accounting Act in Estonia?
- When is an auditor's report required to be appended to the annual report of a company?
- Is there a turnover threshold that triggers VAT registration for a private limited company in Estonia?